Our Doctors

Dr Saj Sarwar
GP Trainer/Mentor/GP Special Interest Cardiology
MBChB (Birmingham 1997) FRCGP PGDipCardiology
About Dr Saj Sarwar
Completed Medical rotation at Postgraduate Level. Has completed the Royal College of General Practitioners. Keen interest in Cardiovascular Medicine, in particular AF, Anticoagulation and Prevention. In particular emphasis on addressing population inequalities and looking at redesign of pathways with up skilling of GPs to address this unmet need.
Responsible for teaching medical students, trainee doctors, registrars and other GPs. Is an accredited Royal College trainer and has been awarded the Fellowship of the Royal College of GPs. Planned Care and Improved Access Lead for the i3 Primary Care Network. Has worked with the West Midlands Academic Science Network to provide lectures on various projects. West Midlands Alliance Cardiovascular Disease Lead.
Has worked with World class leaders in Atrial Fibrillation, to promote Stroke Prevention, this work has been replicated regionally and recognised internationally. Keen on Engagement and Development of Pathways between Primary and Secondary Care, whereby services are improved for patient care and closer working with hospital consultants and teams. A mentor for GPs and trainees as part of the General Practitioners Retention Intensive Support Site (GPRISS).

Dr Sabena Jameel
BMBS (Nottingham 1996). BMedSci. MMedEd. DFSRH. FRCGP. PhD
About Dr Sabena Jameel
Dr Sabena Jameel has been an inner-city GP since 2001. She did her Primary Medical Degree at the University of Nottingham and graduated in 1996. She also has three other degrees (B.Med.Sci (Nottingham)/Masters degree in Medical Education (Warwick) and a PhD from the University of Birmingham). Her PhD looked at Medical Wisdom.
Care, Compassion and an ethical orientation to practice is central to this approach, Dr Jameel aspires to enact this in her daily GP work. Dr Jameel is a committed Medical Educator as part of her portfolio career. Dr Jameel has an interest in family planning and sexual health as well as providing general medical GP consultations.
She has worked at Church Road Surgery since 2006. Dr Jameel is also committed to Lifestyle Medicine approaches appreciating how helpful it can be in preventative medicine and healing. In addition to working at Church Road Surgery, Dr Jameel is a Professor at the University of Birmingham Medical School.
She is also an Independent Advisor to West Midlands Police (Professional Standards Group) and an Academic member of the Royal College of General Practitioner Ethics committee.

Dr Thomas Daniel
About Dr Thomas Daniel
Graduated from University of Kerala, India in 1994. Since qualification I have held posts in medical and surgical specialities in Kerala (a State in Southern India) and in the U.K.
I underwent General Practice training in Scotland and West Midlands. General Practice training was completed in 2006 and I joined a Practice in Dudley Borough. I have been a partner in the same Practice for 16 years before I joined Church Road Surgery, Aston in 2022.
Cardiovascular Medicine and Diabetes management are my areas of special interests. I am very proud to be part of a dynamic team at Church Road I enjoy travel and sports.
In addition, I have a wide area of non medical interests varying from archaeogenetics to history to politics and beyond.
Our Nursing Team

Berni Palmer
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
About Berni Palmer
I have always seen nursing as my vocation. I have never wanted to do or be anything else. I began my training in 1986 as a pupil nurse and qualified as an EN(G), as I wanted to be a nurse who was caring for her patients by the bedside and not through management (as it was like that back in the day). I worked as an EN(G) and started my journey working on a 24 bedded Nightingale ward for female Orthopaedic patients. I qualified as a Registered Nurse (RGN replaced the EN(G) in 1997.
Having achieved RGN status I worked and gained valuable experience in all aspects of general nursing: Ophthalmology, Infectious diseases, surgical, medical, respiratory, ITU, A&E, sexual health, and Primary care. I subsequently gained my Independent Prescribing qualification and achieved a BSc in Women’s Health & Sexual Health.
I have spent most of my Nursing career in the Primary care setting and undertook a Fellowship in leadership. In primary care a RGN will lead on chronic disease management such as Asthma, Diabetes, COPD, Sexual health, Cervical screening and childhood Immunisations.
These are a few areas covered alongside triaging and assessing minor illness and more serious illnesses requiring fast track referrals and the support and management from my GP colleagues. I am interested in providing an expert opinion on cases regarding allegations of nursing negligence and malpractice.
I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under the Civil procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to Expert Witnesses. I accept instructions from both Claimant and Defendant Solicitors and Insurers

Angie Cook
State Registered Nurse

Fatima Abdinur
Healthcare Assistant
Our Practice Team

Tracey Williams
Practice Management

Nosheen Maqbool
Operations Manager/Admin and Support
The practice employs a Practice Manager, Operations Lead, Medical Secretary as well a team of receptionist/administrators to support the patients and practice. We also work closely with our CCG and Primary Care Network Teams.

Imran Sarwar
Reception Manager

Nenelie Wann
Receptionist / Administrator

Receptionist / Administrator

Receptionist / Administrator

Receptionist / Administrator

Receptionist / Administrator
Medical Secretary
Our Attached Team

Physician Associate
About Ali
A physician associate is a new healthcare professional who, while not a doctor, works to the medical model and has a skills and knowledge base to deliver holistic care and treatment within the general practice team under defined levels of supervision.
They support doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Ali works at Church Road every Tuesday and Friday.

PCN Pharmacist
About Asma
Meet Asma our PCN Pharmacist. She works with the clinicians offering expertise medication reviews and works on Monday and Tuesday.

About Sheetal
Sheetal works every Tuesday, she is an experienced physiotherapist who is able to assess, diagnose and treat patients with joint and muscular pain. Please speak to a GP who can do a quick assessment and book you an appointment.

PCN Pharmacist
About Moneeba
Meet Moneeba our PCN Pharmacist. She works with the clinicians offering expertise medication reviews and works on Wednesdays.

About Blanche
Blanche is an experienced midwife and works at the practice on Tuesdays.

Intensive Access to Psychological therapist
About Rozina
Meet Rozina, who works on Thursdays.

Mental Health Primary Care Liaison
About Craig
Meet Craig, who works on Mondays.

Health Care Assistant
About Pam
Meet Pam, who works on Thursdays.
Community Services
Whilst these are not currently based at our practice we do work closely with the local District Nurses, Midwives, Community Matrons, Community Specialist Nurses (e.g. COPD) and the Health visiting team. We will ensure that you are referred to the appropriate service when needed, and will provide you with their contact details.